Sailing In Denmark From Oslo to Copenhagen – A Crew’s Eye View
It’s all about the cheese, and pastries
Our adventure started from the impressive setting of Oslo’s (fairly) new opera house. Moored immediately opposite was Trinovante.
In fact, this voyage was notable for the prodigious mooring locations at every stop (by the fortress walls of Fredrikstad old town, on the island idyll of Anholt, next to the historic Frigate Jylland in Ebeltoft, opposite Hamlet’s castle in Helsingor and finally right in front of the Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen).
Early on in our trip, a fair wind allowed us to make the sea crossing to Denmark.
Clear night skies countered force seven wind and 3 meter waves with a pristine view of the Milky Way and shooting stars.
We made good time, and in less than 30 hours, we reached the island of Anholt, a small nature reserve island described as a cross between the Scilly Isles and Lundy.
After this crossing, we were hungry, partly due to the efforts of the sailing, but more likely because most of us had succumbed to seasickness in varying degrees. Thankfully this was solved by our first introduction to proper Danish pastries. We apologise to all other visitors to Anholt’s bakery that day for the lack of stock.
The endless supply of pastries, (courtesy of crew member Chris – who bizarrely doesn’t eat them) continued for the remainder of our voyage with apple and marzipan and chocolate and custard and…
Oh yes, sorry I must have wandered off!
So, in summary, Denmark is an excellent destination for a holiday with friendly people and some fantastic towns and cities. But of course, mostly it’s for the pastries.
Oh and the cheese, I forgot to mention the cheeses…