Sailing Videos
Made by both professional and amateur film makers, here are links to an eclectic mix of sailing videos about sailing on the schooner Trinovante plus a few extras such as a film we made of a nice little Norwegian square rigged boat sailing into Trondheim Fjord and a time lapse of Simon, the ship’s signwriter .
Special thanks to all our crew for making so many films and videos and sending us the links.
Videos Made By Trinovante’s Crew
Land Ho! After a very wet and windy North Sea crossing Trinovante sights the coast of Norway. Thanks to Mark for this one. We put the film together using his go pro footage.
An Offshore Sailing Holiday Across The North Sea on the schooner Trinovante. Thanks to Jacek for this link.
Sailing On Trinovante by professional film maker and Trinovante crew Amanda Walsh features interviews with crew, the skipper John and mate Su.
The Trinovantes in full tribal regalia in the Tall Ships Race Crew Parade. Thanks to Robin for this film.
Sailing Above The Arctic Circle In Norway A Month In Middle Earth. Thanks to Ryan.
Mackerel Sky made by professional film maker Paul Farmer
Drone footage of Trinovante Sailing Along The Essex Coast. Thanks to Kevin for this link.
Tall Ships Race Films
Tall ships Race Klaipeda To Szczecin Our thanks to the race crew and professional video maker Robin for this one.
Bigger Than Yourself Two youth members of the crew of the schooner Trinovante tell their own story of the Tall Ships Race 2008 between Bergen in Norway and Den Helder in the Netherlands. To their amazement they find themselves winning their class until wind and ocean take a hand. It’s a tale of gales, calms and a close brush with Aberdeen, with reflections of international friendships made and dreams of all-day breakfasts….
A 15 min film made by professional producer and film maker Paul Farmer
Videos Made By SchoonerSail
Wild And Windy Weather On An Offshore Voyage
No Sailing Today Why?
Riding The Waves On A Three Masted Schooner
Hoisting A Topsail The Trials And Tribulations
Land Ho!
After a very wet and windy North Sea crossing Trinovante sights the coast of Norway. Thanks to crew member Mark for letting us use his go pro footage.
Crossing The North Sea On The Schooner Trinovante
Crew member Jacek made this video after crewing on a voyage to Norway from Ipswich.
Thanks for the link Jacek.
Trinovante In the Tall Ships Races 2017
Thunder and Lightning
By Robin Harvey
Klaipeda, Lithuania to Szczecin, Poland via the Baltic Sea on the British schooner Trinovante.
Sailing On Trinovante
By Amanda Walsh
It’s the end of the season on the three masted schooner Trinovante. Professional film maker Amanda Walsh captures some last minute interviews with some of the crew, the skipper and mate.
Wild And Windy Weather Offshore Sailing
For more on offshore sailing check out our Offshore Sailing page.
Bigger Than Yourself
A Tall Ships Race Film
By Paul Farmer
Two youth members of the crew of the schooner Trinovante tell their own story of the Tall Ships Race 2008 between Bergen in Norway and Den Helder in the Netherlands. To their amazement they find themselves winning their class until wind and ocean take a hand. It’s a tale of gales, calms and a close brush with Aberdeen, with reflections of international friendships made and dreams of all-day breakfasts….
Drone Footage Of Trinovante Sailing In Light Airs With A Fantastic Sky
Thanks to Kevin Jay for sending us the link to this video.
A Month In Middle Earth
Crew Member Ryan made this video on his go-pro during a month sailing in the Far North of Norway.
Simon The Signwriter
Off season there are always a hundred and one jobs to do to keep Trinovante ship shape. Having a a visit from Simon is always a pleasure.
Riding The Waves On A Three Masted Schooner
Trinovante steaming along with a brisk wind aft of the beam. What a fantastic day that was.
Plus a few nice stills of Norway at the end.
Nordlandsbat – A Traditional Sailing Boat In Trondheim Fjord
This little boat is having a wonderful sail back to it’s home port of Trondheim.
A Modern Take On A Sea Shanty
Some of the crew get a little exercise before breakfast.
Setting A Fishermans Topsail On A Schooner
Thanks to the crew for putting the topsail up and down so many times to make this video.
Smudge The Dog Sings A Duet With John, Skipper Of The Schooner Trinovante
Team Trinovante In The Tall Ships Crew Parade 2017
The Trinovantes were a Pre-Roman tribe from Essex in the UK. They fought with the Icieni tribe and the famous British queen Boudicca when the tribes rose up against the Romans in AD 60. Our costumes for the Tall Ships Crew Parades are lighthearted take on a tribal theme. In this video you will also hear the crew re-enacting the ancient tribal chant ‘sponge bob square pants’.