Tall Ships & Schooners
Here you will find a collection of articles and pictures that interest us around the topic of Tall Ships And Schooners. In a nutshell it is collection about sailing ships and the sailing of ships.
You can find information here about the history of our own schooner Trinovante and here you will find a sail plan showing options for likely reductions as the wind increases.
Tall Ships Race Films
Getting our schooner Trinovante on the start line for the Tall Ships Races is always a big effort but well worth it. We have been fortunate to have our crew’s document the races.
We also have more general sailing videos based around sailing on Trinovante
Tall Ships Gallery
The Tall Ships Races is one of the few times Trinovante gets to sail with similar sized ships. Most of our photos, but not all, have been taken during the races.
Learning To Sail A Schooner
These articles were originally started as a series for SchoonerSail’s newsletters, now we have gathered them all together here. John, the skipper occasionally adds a new article to the series.
Schooner Rig
Here you will find a few notes on schooner rig with particular reference to the three masted gaff rig used on our own schooner Trinovante.
Schooner Books
A quick trip round the ‘Schooner Books’ section of our private library. Each individual book is photographed. We are currently putting together a list of books about square riggers.