Life Onboard The Schooner Trinovante
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Life Onboard – What Is It Like On a Sailing Holiday?
The feeling onboard is that of a group of friends going sailing together. It is informal and easy going. We like to go sailing, drink tea, take time to look at the clouds, get out for a walk ashore, enjoy each others company, have a beer on deck in the evening and most importantly just enjoy life.
Around 70% of the people who sail on Trinovante book again.
The Food
All our food is freshly cooked onboard and the crew tell us it is better than most. Sometimes we catch some fish for dinner.
Su prepares lunch and dinner. Our guest sailors, the crew, take it in turns to do the washing up and usually make the tea and coffee. We can cater for most diets but advance notice when you book is essential. Remember if you want to drink alcohol we don’t supply or sell alcohol so bring your own. There are usually options to buy some alcohol on the way if we are coastal sailing.
Breakfast is usually on a free form/help yourself basis. Over the years we have worked out that most people don’t want a full formal cooked breakfast every morning although there are cooked breakfasts occasionally. Being able to slip up on deck for a quiet coffee in the morning if you want to is important. Often the crew will get together for porridge and toast etc but we leave it flexible. We have a full range of cereals, eggs, just about anything you can think of to put on toast, proper coffee, and various teas.
Occasionally the crew opt to eat out ashore however this doesn’t happen on every voyage and there will be a meal onboard every night if you want one.
The Accommodation
While you are onboard Trinovante the ship is your home where you can relax and chill out.
The crew berths on Trinovante are quite comfortable. When you are onboard your berth is your sanctuary and, unlike on many sailing boats no one has to sleep in the saloon.
All the crew bunks are up forward and the saloon is aft so you can be up early or go to bed late without disturbing anyone
See The Ship for more photos of the boat down below and an accommodation plan
The Sailing
SchoonerSail is absolutely not a boot camp but we do take your learning to sail and sail training seriously.
If it’s your first time at sea, you’ll leave knowing how to handle a sail, tie some knots, coil a rope, and steer the boat.
Sailing is a physical activity. You’ll break a sweat raising a sail. Even moving about the boat in a heavy sea can require a bit of agility. Some harbours will have ladders to climb and long gaps to step across. It’s all part of the experience!
There is more information about life onboard on our longer learning to sail and sail training here.
On Trinovante you’ll be sailing as part of a small close-knit team. We all pull together to sail the boat to its next destination. With your fellow crew, you will learn together, experience the challenge and excitement of sailing, and ultimately accomplish something that not everyone does in their life.
Performance Anxiety? Don’t worry – we won’t expect you to perform! We know all boats are different so even if you have done a lot of sailing holidays before we won’t expect you to know anything when you arrive.
Unsure if you have a sufficient level of agility and fitness to take part in a voyage? Simple – just give us a ring and have a chat. We’ll be honest and tell you if we think sailing on Trinovante is not right for you. We may even suggest another more suitable boat you can go on.
Crossing The North Sea On The Schooner Trinovante
Some of our crew have told us this video made by Jacek provides a good view of life on board.
Thanks for the link Jacek. View more videos based around sailing on Trinovante made by both amateur and professional filmmakers.
Sailing Videos